Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Seattle Seahawks (Superbowl Gear and Party Planning)

"The more difficult the victory, the greater the happiness in winning."

Football doesn't usually interest me. Watching it for hours seems like a waste of time. I hosted Superbowl parties before, but I only watched the halftime shows and commercials. However, it changed for me when the Seahawks won the  Superbowl last year. My family loves football, so I decided to understand how it worked, and I started to enjoy watching it. My husband is actually a longtime, diehard fan of the Seahawks.

Last Sunday, for the NFC Championship game between the Seahawks and Green Bay Packers, it was a miracle that the Seakhawks won. It was one of the most amazing and intense games in the history of NFL. How they pulled it off was mind blowing. Everyone even teared up when Russel broke down into tears. If there's one thing that I learned from that game, it was not to "give up." They fought until the very end. They demonstrated an incredible team effort.
This translates to our life as well. Always opt to be the best and never quit. If that miracle happened, anything great in life that you envisioned can happen.
To support the Seahawks and to keep up the team spirit, we bought gears to be used on the upcoming game. I embellished my beanie hat and made a necklace that matches it to make it more fun and festive.

We can barely contain our excitement at this moment, waiting for the Superbowl XLIX! It's so nerve wracking. True fans always stick and support them all the way. Win or lose we'll forever be a 12th fan, and in our hearts, they're always a champion.

Go Hawks! Aim for a repeat!

Here are some of our gear:

Game Day Food

A Look Back of the Superbowl XLVIII


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