Saturday, January 3, 2015

50 - A Reflection

"Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been" - Mark Twain 

Today is my birthday, but I celebrated it this New Year's Eve with a party that had a 70's theme. It was a blast, and it was a fun-filled night.

Reaching fifty years old is a major milestone. It gives me new perspective that I should enjoy life to the fullest and appreciate all the people who took part in my life's journey. Having fifty wonderful years is something to be thankful for. Although it wasn't always easy with the trials and challenges along the way, it still made me a stronger person and strengthened my faith.

People say that when you're fifty, "you're over the hill" or that you're old. For me, it's just a new chapter in my life. All I need to do is accept it, and to find joy and meaning in this part of my adventure. There are changes physically like gray hairs on my temple, fine lines on my face, and aches and pains. However, I'm embracing it; seeing it as a sign of wisdom, maturity, and a life well lived.

Being fifty is just a number. No matter what my age, nothing will take away my passion for adventure, fashion, cooking, and cultivating new interests. It's a state of mind what you do with your time that counts. Stay young and be active.

So what's after 50? One thing I'm sure of is that I'll be wiser and fearless to face more challenges that lies ahead for the years to come. Lastly, my wish for my birthday and for the new year is to be healthy so that I can continue to take care of the people depending on me. Happy New Year!

My twin sister haha!
Family picture
With the hot mamas
The silly kids 
The stylish sisters
With the gorgeous sisters
The beautiful women of Vancouver

With my BFF Tina Turner

 My good friend Amy
The wonderful Madonna
The lovely ladies
Blowing out the candles 

A birthday pose

Happy New Year!
Saying grace before eating 
New Year photobooth
My handmade birthday bread tower 


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