Sunday, March 2, 2014

Garlic Bread with Olympic Rings

“Winning isn’t everything; it’s how you played the game.”

Last week, the Olympics ended, so this is a late post. I’ve been busy, so I wasn’t able to post this on time.

The Olympics is an international sports competition bewteen countries to give recognition to the greatest athletes of the world and bringing world cultures together.

The spirit of the Olympics is to have taken part fairly, and to have done one’s best. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have played well. It’s a two-week competition being held every four years.

I have always watched the Olympics’ opening and closing ceremony and my favorite is the ice skating and hockey.

I prepared a snack, a garlic cheese bread, during the closing ceremony. There aren’t many things better than a warm, buttery cheese bread in a form of Olympic rings.

I also got this recipe from this site: It’s from one of my favorite bloggers.

This garlic bread is also perfect with baked spaghetti!


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