Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Mini Rock Garden

Rocks are considered as one of the hardest surfaces. If a person is like a rock, it means that he or she is reliable, trustworthy, and exceptionally stable. It is described in the cliché, “solid as a rock.” We’ve been through a lot since the beginning of the year, but we remained hopeful and resilient throughout the crisis. We know that we will get through this hardship and “it shall pass.” My family and I must be solid as rocks to withstand any storms that will come our way.
I’ve been working in the backyard garden for the past week and I accomplished some of the small projects I planned for the summer. I finished all of the cleanings and decorating in our backyard patio. I planted vegetables, flowers, and herbs, and some of them are ready for harvesting. Most of the days are warm, so we’re out doing barbecue, playing some games, sipping cocktails, and just simply hanging out while enjoying the sunshine.
A few days ago, I posted on my blog with a post called the "Mini Herb Garden.” My mini herb garden is growing more now, and I’ve been pinching some of the leaves to use it for my cooking and making smoothies. It was very rewarding to see my plants grow and thrive, and there’s always something to harvest in my little garden, like strawberries and kale. Because I was inspired by it, I decided to do another project, which was the rock garden. I’m fond of making mini gardens, and I made blogs about them in the past. There are a lot of things that you can use for your garden. They just depend on your imagination and creativity, or you can decide on a theme. That way, it will be easy to gather your materials for your garden.
The other day, I went to Rite Aid, and I found a huge container on sale, so I had this idea of making a rock garden. I collected garden decorations throughout the years, and I just added more that I found on sale from the store. Since my goal is to have mixed flowers and vegetables, I chose cucumbers, cabbages, morning glories, and some other flowers. I even bought a solar rock decoration, which would be the focal point of the garden. We also have small rocks on our patio, and I used some of them to put on top of the container. Then I put metal trellis on the back of it so that vines could grow on it. I didn't have a particular theme for my rock garden, but I suggest using common things that you can find in a garden. Examples are fairies, dwarves, a bird’s nest, and a fountain. Overall, rock gardens are a nice addition to our backyard patio.


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