Saturday, May 10, 2014

Succulent Plants Arrangement

"It takes some one really brave to be a mother, someone strong to raise a child and someone special to love someone more than herself." 

I’m kind of fascinated with succulent plants. It all started when I made my daughter a terrarium for her dorm last year. It’s springtime and these plants are growing in the garden and I bought some to make an arrangement. I found inspiration online and it’s suitable for Mother’s Day as a present for my mom.

Succulents are ideal if you’re living in a very limited space, like in a dorm or an apartment. It doesn't need a lot of care and they don’t grow very fast.

Succulents store water in their leaves, making them low-maintenance, drought-resistant plants.


Green moss
Happy Mother’s Day Balloon
Succulent plants
Mug and a little tray

1. Put the rocks on the bottom of the pot for a good drainage.
2. Place the soil on top of the rocks.

3. Arrange the succulents around the pot.

4. Place a small plant inside the mug and let it lay on the soil. Put the little tray at the back of the arrangement.

5. Put some moss around the pot to hide the soil for a decorative look.


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